Thank you for all the Bday wishes!
It is beautiful to hear from so many friends I've made throughout this life, and so many people I had touched.
I've been recognized as a teacher for a very long time. Initially I was just a curious kid who wanted to know things and to do certain things very passionately and for my own good. That got recognized at a young age when people asked me to teach them.
I never thought I would become a teacher, and if anything I resented that thought. I thought there was no money in that field and thought to make a career in another field. I went to a law school, to business administration school and had many jobs and opportunities that paid better, but at the end I always left them to go back to teaching.
No money in the world could ever been more fulfilling then the relationships I would be making as a teacher, the help I knew I could give to my students, seeing their smiles and happiness that were the results.
It's an interesting thing, the world of teaching is very different then the world of going to a regular job, paying bills etc. It is a real world. It's a common situation when a new students have some issues, I would ask him about it trying to understand, and feel that the student think I only care cause he paid me money ( and if he has a problem he might not pay in the future), which is the premises in the "outside" world. Such an opposite perception, it is sometimes hard for people to disconnect from it and see things as they truly are, which is, if I don't care about the student then how can I really help HIM. It would have been a great world if I could save him that consideration and not mix money in it, like it is in other relationships, but I do have to make a living to be able to teach and there need to be a hierarchical relationship for the student to be able to gain from the teaching as it seem that people absorb less of it when they don't pay and feel equal. Where it mostly ends up being a disservice.
With many people I had met in daily life I always had the feeling that they only think what can they get out of me. Some people ask right away for your occupation, trying to evaluate you that way. And other behaviors that make you feel like they are in it only for the gain, these are fake friends. I can understand people that come to me that are used to that mentality as it is very wide spread unfortunately, and I will try to help them. From the wise words of Tony Robins "connection is not enough, you got to find real love". And my addition is know to separate it from the love of greed.
Wanted to put this out there, I know most people here don't know me yet, and so far only see me as a teacher, and as one, I feel that this concept is very basic in my teaching. And it might be an interesting point for you as well.
It is beautiful to hear from so many friends I've made throughout this life, and so many people I had touched.
I've been recognized as a teacher for a very long time. Initially I was just a curious kid who wanted to know things and to do certain things very passionately and for my own good. That got recognized at a young age when people asked me to teach them.
I never thought I would become a teacher, and if anything I resented that thought. I thought there was no money in that field and thought to make a career in another field. I went to a law school, to business administration school and had many jobs and opportunities that paid better, but at the end I always left them to go back to teaching.
No money in the world could ever been more fulfilling then the relationships I would be making as a teacher, the help I knew I could give to my students, seeing their smiles and happiness that were the results.
It's an interesting thing, the world of teaching is very different then the world of going to a regular job, paying bills etc. It is a real world. It's a common situation when a new students have some issues, I would ask him about it trying to understand, and feel that the student think I only care cause he paid me money ( and if he has a problem he might not pay in the future), which is the premises in the "outside" world. Such an opposite perception, it is sometimes hard for people to disconnect from it and see things as they truly are, which is, if I don't care about the student then how can I really help HIM. It would have been a great world if I could save him that consideration and not mix money in it, like it is in other relationships, but I do have to make a living to be able to teach and there need to be a hierarchical relationship for the student to be able to gain from the teaching as it seem that people absorb less of it when they don't pay and feel equal. Where it mostly ends up being a disservice.
With many people I had met in daily life I always had the feeling that they only think what can they get out of me. Some people ask right away for your occupation, trying to evaluate you that way. And other behaviors that make you feel like they are in it only for the gain, these are fake friends. I can understand people that come to me that are used to that mentality as it is very wide spread unfortunately, and I will try to help them. From the wise words of Tony Robins "connection is not enough, you got to find real love". And my addition is know to separate it from the love of greed.
Wanted to put this out there, I know most people here don't know me yet, and so far only see me as a teacher, and as one, I feel that this concept is very basic in my teaching. And it might be an interesting point for you as well.