On the left, pre-Colombian skull placed on top of post-Colombian skull of native Indians in Florida.
(Notice the difference in the thickness, what would it be like to live in any of those skulls)
Nutrient - Furnishing nourishment
Origin - Latin Nutrient, nutriens, present participle of nutrire to nourish- more at nourish
Nourish - To cause (something) to develop or grow stronger
- Merriam- Webster Dictionary.
In plain speaking, nutrients are substances that makes our bodies grow, they are building blocks that our body can work with and build new tissue with, as well as repair damaged tissue.
There are different compounds in that category, things like Proteins, fats, vitamins, Minerals, water, carbs. They are all needed in different amounts. Generally speaking people that eat food that is dense with nutrients would be healthier and more robust than people who deprive themselves from nutrients.
Generally speaking nutritionally dense foods are usually foods that grow in good soils, or clean waters. Foods that grow naturally without human interference are usually more nutritionally dense then the ones grown by men. And of course natural fresh food are much more nourishing then processes food to all its sorts.
A famous research conducted by Dr. A. Price proved that lack of nutrients in food will cause developmental issues in human beings, he compared people on western diets to people that lived in the wild all across the globe, and he had found that the people on western diets had thinner bones, bad teeth, narrow skulls and what he referred to as a facial injury, narrow gums which makes it so that wisdom teeth has to be pulled ( he had found that in all of our wild couterparts there was enough room for all the wisdon teeth to stay and function correctly ). He describes a narrowing of the nasal breathing cavity in what he had described as "mouth breathers".
Dr. A. Price had found that all of these phenomena and others did not exist in people that lived in the wild, true to their nature.
That brings us to looking at the importance of nutrients, and the consequences of consuming foods that are poor in them. By watering down our food from nutrients, eating a nourishing meal once in every few meals, we are watering down our livelihood, health and well being. Our palate gets used to eating sugary food and other food with powerful taste, that we lose our sensitivity to sense and enjoy foods that have these nutritious substances. We might think we are healthy enough according to the poor western lifestyle standards, so that we can allow ourselves to indulge, but at the end of the day we are promoting inflammation in our bodies, and we are degenerating, causing all sorts of disease, some we might wonder why we suffer from when we are young, problems like constipation, poor digestion, skin disorders, and others takes longer to develop like various autoimmune and a host of degenerative disease.
Buying, growing and seeking quality food is a necessity if we wish to create better health individually, and also as a society, healthier people make better life choices, and have a higher probability to living a more satisfying life. Healthy people are more energetic, they tend to be more optimistic, feeling that more good options are open for them. Extra positive energy is more likely to be used to help others and society and improve the quality of life for all.
We have so many problems on this planet, but it does seem to sustain a big number of us so far. Educating more people on this subject could lead to a much more efficient life for us all, and it could relive all sorts of suffering we now are going through.
Food for thoughts.
Amir Solsky
(Notice the difference in the thickness, what would it be like to live in any of those skulls)
Nutrient - Furnishing nourishment
Origin - Latin Nutrient, nutriens, present participle of nutrire to nourish- more at nourish
Nourish - To cause (something) to develop or grow stronger
- Merriam- Webster Dictionary.
In plain speaking, nutrients are substances that makes our bodies grow, they are building blocks that our body can work with and build new tissue with, as well as repair damaged tissue.
There are different compounds in that category, things like Proteins, fats, vitamins, Minerals, water, carbs. They are all needed in different amounts. Generally speaking people that eat food that is dense with nutrients would be healthier and more robust than people who deprive themselves from nutrients.
Generally speaking nutritionally dense foods are usually foods that grow in good soils, or clean waters. Foods that grow naturally without human interference are usually more nutritionally dense then the ones grown by men. And of course natural fresh food are much more nourishing then processes food to all its sorts.
A famous research conducted by Dr. A. Price proved that lack of nutrients in food will cause developmental issues in human beings, he compared people on western diets to people that lived in the wild all across the globe, and he had found that the people on western diets had thinner bones, bad teeth, narrow skulls and what he referred to as a facial injury, narrow gums which makes it so that wisdom teeth has to be pulled ( he had found that in all of our wild couterparts there was enough room for all the wisdon teeth to stay and function correctly ). He describes a narrowing of the nasal breathing cavity in what he had described as "mouth breathers".
Dr. A. Price had found that all of these phenomena and others did not exist in people that lived in the wild, true to their nature.
That brings us to looking at the importance of nutrients, and the consequences of consuming foods that are poor in them. By watering down our food from nutrients, eating a nourishing meal once in every few meals, we are watering down our livelihood, health and well being. Our palate gets used to eating sugary food and other food with powerful taste, that we lose our sensitivity to sense and enjoy foods that have these nutritious substances. We might think we are healthy enough according to the poor western lifestyle standards, so that we can allow ourselves to indulge, but at the end of the day we are promoting inflammation in our bodies, and we are degenerating, causing all sorts of disease, some we might wonder why we suffer from when we are young, problems like constipation, poor digestion, skin disorders, and others takes longer to develop like various autoimmune and a host of degenerative disease.
Buying, growing and seeking quality food is a necessity if we wish to create better health individually, and also as a society, healthier people make better life choices, and have a higher probability to living a more satisfying life. Healthy people are more energetic, they tend to be more optimistic, feeling that more good options are open for them. Extra positive energy is more likely to be used to help others and society and improve the quality of life for all.
We have so many problems on this planet, but it does seem to sustain a big number of us so far. Educating more people on this subject could lead to a much more efficient life for us all, and it could relive all sorts of suffering we now are going through.
Food for thoughts.
Amir Solsky